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10 Posts tagged “review”

Side-By-Side: Dynafit Vulcan and TLT5 AT Boots

Click all photos for larger image. Since Outdoor Retailer, I’ve been able get a couple ski tours in using the much anticipated Hoji-boot, AKA the Dynafit Vulcan, for next season. The Vulcan tours great and skis even better, as the cuff and flex pattern is very stiff. There were some parts of the boot that […]

Review, Powderwhore’s "Breaking Trail"

In a day and age when everyone and their brother are making ski movies, short edits and weekly webisodes about what they have been skiing, Powderwhore has released yet another movie that was birthed in the Wasatch and travels around the world in search of great ski terrain and the characters that rip the slopes. […]

Dynafit TLT5 Performance Redux

There were two items that I really looked forward to receiving and using last year. One was the 2011/12 Black Diamond Carbon Justice skis, and the other some “magic elf boots”, AKA the Dynafit TLT5 Performance AT boot. The Justices will be arriving on shop shelves in the next month or two (and is bound […]

Rando on the Radical FT

A couple weeks ago, I was able to do a fair bit of ski touring on the new 2011 Dynafit Radical FT binding due out this fall. Dynafit touts the Radical FT as a true step-in tech binding and includes it in it’s FreerideTouring category of bindings.  The Radical FT has many nice improvements that […]

Randosteve's Backpack: Black Diamond Alias AvaLung

Tune in tomorrow for what’s IN my pack. 😎

Retiring a Wooby: Arc'teryx Epsilon SV Hoody

After 2 long years of exceptional service, I’m retiring my red Arc’teryx Epsilon SV Hoody this year. It has been with me all over the Tetons, the Wind River Range, the Sierra, Antarctica and South America, and has seen me through some glorious and some not-so glorious moments, but it has never let me down […]

A Closer Look at the Black Diamond Quadrant and Prime

Black Diamond Quadrant and Prime Efficient Series Boots. Over the last few months, I have been spending quite a bit of time skiing and touring on next year’s Black Diamond Efficient Series ski boots. I have been on the 4-buckle Quadrants since November, and more recently I got my hands on some 3-buckle Primes about […]

Sweetgrass Productions: Signatures

It’s rare when a ski movie is all shot is one location, but in the new Sweetgrass Productions film “Signatures”, the crew from Breckenridge really captures what skiing is all about with nearly all the footage shot in Japan. What is skiing all about you say? Well…its’ about the turn…the power…and the soul. Now, “Signatures” […]

Trail Running With The La Sportiva Wildcat

La Sportiva Wildcat. It’s getting to be that time of year again…what I call “transition season”. Basically its’ the time between spring…and winter. Some people refer to it as summer, but I’m allergic to that word, so I made my own season…transition season. As the snow quickly disappears and grey clouds fill the sky, I’ve […]

Exotic Skis ISPO Indie Ski Report

Click on image to view…give it a minute or two to download (28mb). This is great rainy spring day (hope we don’t get any of those) reading material when your lounging around the house…wishing you were skiing. ExoticSkis.com, a website which provides links, info and general buzz revolving around independent (whatever that means) ski manufacturing […]