By: randosteve|Posted on: May 2, 2008|Posted in: DIY - Modification, Gear | 9 comments

Nicholas shows Zahan how to wax his skinsIt’s that time of year when it’s important to have your climbing skins sufficiently waxed to avoid the dreaded glopping up of new snow when skinning from the sun into the shade. Waxed climbing skins will not only reduce the amount of glopping, but they will also allow for better glide on the frozen crust in the early morning hours. Ever since I started rando racing, I always wondered if it was possible to hot wax your skins to provide better coverage, durability and performance. When I was in Switzerland racing this year, Nicholas Combe, one of the coaches of the Swiss team, was gracious enough to show us how it’s done. Any questions…drop them in the comments section. Ciao for now!