By: randosteve|Posted on: November 6, 2009|Posted in: Antartica, International | 7 comments

Skiing above Ushuaia, Argentina.

Alright folks, this is the day I have been looking forward to for the past few months. It is the day our ship sets off across the Drake Passage, towards some of the most insane ski terrain in the world with IceAxe Expeditions.

Traveling across the Drake Passage should be very interesting and I have starting loading up on seaside meds to help me keep my shit together. Though I have heard that the meds themselves can make one very dehydrated and blur your vision pretty severely, so I’m not really looking forward to that aspect of it at all. Interestingly enough (and like many things these days) there is a website called, which is dedicated to forecasting weather on marine passages around the world and currently it looks as though we will be cruising in right behind a low pressure system and in front of high pressure. What does this mean? Well, it’s anyone’s guess really, but my prediction is that the seas will be moderate. Not huge swells…but not like glass either.

Drake Passage Pressure Map

The voyage across the Drake Passage will take about 20 hours and we will reach the South Shetland Islands first. Here, we will make a quick stop to stretch the legs on Deception Island on the afternoon of the 7th, and then push on to our southernmost point of the trip, where we will put in or first ski day on the 8th. And believe me…I am super fired up to ski on Antarctica and I am paired with some strong skiers and equally cool and friendly people.

The dynamics of those who have signed up for this trip are very diverse and range from railroad and oil field workers in Alaska, to hot-shot Fortune 500 types. Take a guess who I can relate more to! It’s pretty wild really, and I look forward to meeting everyone over the course of the next two weeks.

Doug Stoup, of IceAxe Expeditions, prays for a smooth trip across the Drake Passage.

Anyway, I will do my best to update with posts from the trip, but I can only imagine the satellite internet connection on the ship will be pretty bogged down with many others trying to do the same thing…so bear with me and hang in there. I’m missing RandoKitty a lot already and for those not in “the know”, RandoKitty is my girlfriend…NOT my pet cat. Something I’ve learned that a few people haven’t quite grasped quite yet. So…ciao for now…but stay tuned for updates from the bottom of the world!

Follow along with updates on IceAxe.TV and Skiing Magazine too!!
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