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Trying to stay away for Teton Pass these days before the Village opens, I went skiing in GTNP again today…Wimpy’s Knob. Some say don’t go, if you don’t know…I say you don’t know if you don’t go.
Conditions looked grim on the way up, but we knew up top it would get better. There is a pretty good rain crust under 4-16” of cowboy powder from the bottom to the top of the mountain. We had thoughts of skiing Albright (10,552) but it looked a little scratchy at the top. We skied a couple great runs on the upper slopes before going up one more time to check out what I call North Couloir…off of the shoulder of Wimpys.

The couloir was fun skiing…but I did uncover a nice slab…reminding us to keep our speed down. Getting out Static Draw was rather interesting with the thin conditions…first time this season too. My guess is that from about 8500” is was grim skiing…maybe better in other spots on the mountain though. The lower field added a few more dings to the ski bases…chalk it up as adventure skiing.
It was pretty cold up high, and the sun never really broke through. It snowed mostly all day and it was coming down pretty good when we got back to the car at 4:30. Feeling a bit tired and hungry after a 6000” day.