I was psyched to get out today! It was my last of three days off from work and the skies were blue and the snow was powder. Today was my first ‘official’ ski trip with Brian Harder. Though we have hooked up a few times randomly and talk about racing in the shop all the time, it was good to get out make some turns together. We got on the trail with the sun around 8:00 and it was nice to be following a track, cuz my legs were a little sore from yesterday’s 10K. We started breaking trail after Bradley Lake and I noticed how much the sun had affected the more southerly aspects already. It was good skinning up to Surprise and Amphitheater Lakes, and we made it in three hours at a rather leisurely pace.

We rallied up the coolie in under an hour, and I noticed the views of the Spooky Face on Nez Perce.
First skied by Mark Newcomb, Stephen Koch and Hans Johnstone. Yeah…that’s a 200′ rappel at the bottom. The question came to skin or boot the final 1000′ to the top of Disappointment Peak. I chose to skin, Brian to boot. It was sunny and warm and neither of us cared either way. We climbed to the highest skiable spot to be greeted with HUGE views of the East Face of the Grand. Brian and I have both climbed the East Ridge in a day…Brian in an amazing 4hrs from car to summit. Way to go bro!
The skiing was actually quite sketchy off the top. The upper East Face of Disappointment never really fills in and the light, fluffy snow hid some nasty rocks underneath. We skied very cautiously, keeping the speed down and tagging some rocks here and there until we got directly above the Spoon.
I felt good about the conditions and charged into the chute…it was all I could do to stop and wait for Brain, as well as let the slough pass by. It surprised me a little as it thundered past me and flowed down the couloir, onto the apron below. The snow was very predictable and you could ski it as fast as you wanted…which I did.
Fantastic untracked powder continued for another 3000′ down Burnt Wagon Gulch to the meadows of the Valley. The sun was low and blared directly in our faces, adding to the burn I already had. I felt tired, but very satisfied, ready for my big four day work week to come.
were are the fotos of brian hardman bootin up without his shirt?!
His blazing white skin was over-exposed=:)
Not that a mortal should criticize a ski god but I must admit I prefer the boot pack. Prefer not to cross any lines, other than vertical, nor have anything detract from the track gazing. Ego stroking.
Nice smile on top.
Spent the last two days in French Spy Bowl. Had it to myself and bagged some of those nice couloirs.
Have a good year. And for you this has special meaning. “Be safe”
I think of myself as more of a prophet. Doug Coombs….yeah, he was a God!
Hmmmm…well, ego stoking, like drop of water…I can relate to that!
I’d like to get to FSB soon. What did you ski? I’m down with some of the names.
Thanks Ken, as always…Live to Ski…another day!
I guess I would strive to be a disciple then. Not a bad faith to be one of the mass’however. Coombs definitely had that special “IT” that sets people apart from others.And he didn’t seem to take advantage of “IT” either. Remarkable.
Greg Collins was probably the first to ski a lot of French Spies lines along with by gone NOLS instructors. Jeramie Prine and Matt Lloyd have begun skiing and naming them recently. I hit Y-Not, Horse Shoe and J&J. A diagonal Couloir that runs north to south off the top of Buffalo Fork Mountain is the line that really entices me.
Ken, aka Ullr but don’t spread it around as I am an esoteric dude
Looks like your post may have inspired a few people to get after it on the Spoon. I was up poking around Amphitheater Lake yesterday and saw a ton of tracks in it, along with a party of 5 booting up it late in the day. Stopped to watch them ski it… pretty cool – like backcountry TV!
Great work on the site, awesome TR’s. Keep it up!
So I hear Brett!
Rumor has it there were two groups (like 6 people) skiing it the following day. I hope they at least used our skin track.
Thanks for the props Brett! I will do my best to keep it up.
Hey Steve, what do you think the Spoon would be like this time of year? A couple of us are thinking of giving it a go tomorrow.
Sup Chris!
I’ve heard the sking has been pretty good…especially the higher you go. Last night seemed to be about 10 deg warmer than the past few though…so tough to tell. I’d bet there is a runnel in the middle…maybe soem degris too.
I’d think there are better lines to ski right now.