One of the reasons I started this website was to have something to show potential sponsors the stuff I was doing, in hopes solidifying a relationship with some of the leaders in backcountry skiing and ski-mountaineering. Over the past few months I have been in close contact with a few of my top picks and one is now coming to fruition.
I am proud to announce that I am now a Black Diamond sponsored skier. The news came a couple weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier. Black Diamond was one of three companies that I have really been working hard to partner up with, and I am grateful the crew in SLC is giving me the chance to become part of the family. Special thanks to Jack Tackle, Steve Kropf, Greg Williams, Penn Newhard, Charlie Lynch and Colleen Graham-Nipkow for their efforts in making this come together. Just say the word and I’ll break trail for you anytime! 😉
There are a few reasons why I lobbied hard for Black Diamond, but probably first and foremost are the skis. My first pair of BD skis was a pair of 190cm Seracs from the late nineties and I skied many of the classic Teton descents with these in the early days. My most recent pairs have been the 190cm Verdicts I scored in 2006, and the new Kilowatts from this past season. Both of these skis are fantastic to ski, yet totally different from each other. The Verdicts offer a butter smooth ride in soft snow, while the Kilowatts aggressively bash thought the crude like a tank.
I’m super psyched to be able to revamp my quiver for next season with BD’s new wood-cord planks. It will range from the psycho-wide, wood core, 110 at the waist Zealots of the Power Series, to the light and fast Voodoos of the Efficiency Line. To wet your whistle for the goods, Black Diamond has a website dedicated to the launch of their complete new line…check it out at SkiBD.com. Thanks Black Diamond!
Way to go Steve, congrats on the support!
Well done Steve! Definitely interested in checking out those Zealots!
Thanks Bros!
I think I’m going with the 182cm Zealots.
Congrats Steve!
Nice one Steve, stoked for you.
You can come down to NZ for the BD sponsored rando race!
Will you break trail for me……..?
Thanks guys!
Just got back from a weekend wedding in Montana…away from the computer AND cell service. It was great!
When is the race Grant? Maybe BD would help with travel. Unfortunately…these days you’d have to slow down to let me break trail…and maybe you’d have to get some fatter skis! 😉 Way to step it up man!!!
Congrats Steve! As a BD sponsored skier, do you have to ski exclusively on their skis? What sort of setup would you use for rando races? The BD Cult are 250g heavier than Dynafit 11.0 skis.
Thanks Jerimy!
BD is being very flexible and letting me use other manufacturers gear if need be…like in rando racing. 8)
Awesome! Glad to hear this news.
Hope all’s well in the mountains to the north. Think you’ll make it to the Wasatch for some skiing this year?
Thanks KT!
I really owe it all to you from your days of doing PR for BD, and listening to me back in the day.
I’m hoping to get down for some turns this year (as always) but it’s hard to leave the Tetons in the winter. Though a WasatchAT post could be fun too!!
I miss you KT!!!!
Good on you, Steve.
I’ve always liked BD skis, though I’ve never had any, but I do have a lot of their climbing equipment. This year, though, I’ve been thinking of adding a set to my quiver. Mostly, I’ve been skiing on my 195 cm Rossi 3B’s (with frischi’s) for the last 3 years. I still love those things and was wondering what BD ski might be a good compliment with those? By the way, that’s cool you that you ski 190’s on the steep stuff. It seems like everyone I know is on 180’s or less. If, I’m on something that short, I’m over the tips. You must be a fairly good sized guy too? (I’m 195, 6’2″) Also, which AT bindings do you use and why?
Thanks Walt!
Verdict is the answer…fat and versatile. They are a quiver ski for me at 190cm and I ski them on powder days in the Park. I’m 5’9″, 160lbs, and have BC skis that range from 190-175…depending what I’m up to. I have 185 Kilowatts, w/ Fritschis, that I ski on Glory and at the Village, and some 183 Havocs for ski mountaineering. Some 176 Ethics fit the niche for when I’m skiing couloirs that are very narrow.
It’s all being upgraded this year though…thanks to BD!!!! All my skis, except the Kilowatts, are mounted with Dynafits, cuz they are light, efficient, strong and reliable. Some TLTs, some Comforts, but looks like they will be upgraded this season too.