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7 Posts tagged “Backcountry”

Titcomb Basin, 2011

With the busy summer tourist season in full swing, I’ve been ‘making the donuts”, yet somehow still managed to pull off a three-day ski trip into the Wind River Range last weekend. I wanted to go earlier this spring/summer, say 1-2 months ago, but it just didn’t work out with partners and schedules. Luckily though, […]

Buck Shot Slideshow

Got out yesterday with Reed Finlay to ski a fun line on Buck Mountain I hadn’t skied before called “Buck Shot”. It’s kind of the north east face of the mountain and consists of two big hourglass-like features and is a 2000′ shot right into Avalanche Canyon. The top was steep, but not too steep […]

The Early Bird Gets the Worm on Static Peak

With the warmish temperatures we’ve been having lately (both day and night) and shallow freezes in the snowpack, it’s no wonder there seems to be little skier traffic in the hills recently. Low and behold though, our now historic snow-pack is starting to consolidate and there is some good skiing to be had…you just have […]

New Zealand Photo Purge, Part II

Randosteve skins below Drummund Peak. Here are some more pictures from New Zealand.

Definition of Backcountry, Frontcountry, Sidecountry and Slackcountry Skiing

Sure wish I knew who keeps making these videos! 🙂 If I hear one more person say that they “skied the backcountry today” after riding the tram…I’m gonna puke! To purists like myself (maybe?) there is a BIG difference between backcountry, frontcountry, sidecountry and slackcountry. Yeah, we can have fun in all of them, but […]

Coke Can Backcountry Stove

I’m more of a coffee guy myself…but I think this is pretty cool.  

Randosteve's Backcountry Skiing Haul Sled

Heading out of town and into the mountains for a few days. Be back next week. Have a great weekend. Live to ski!