When The Clouds Part…

The clouds finally parted yesterday and showed us what has been happening high in the mountains during all the rain storms we have been having here in Jackson over the past month. What did it show us you ask? Well, it showed us that the snow/rain line was very high at one point and it […]

Staying Alive on Two Elk Peak

It’s crazy how sometimes it’s the smaller lines and peaks that have you scared to death and wondering if this will be the day that takes you down. This was the case yesterday, when Reed Finlay and I were skiing on Two Elk Peak. This relatively benign line on Two Elk Peak had me fearing […]

Skiing in Spitsbergen and the Mountains of Norway

I had the opportunity to ski in Norway this year, but bailed on it because of life obligations. Soooo…when Doug Stoup contacted me about his recent ski trip there after a couple of North Pole expeditions, I was psyched to hear about his experience and even more psyched that he has done the research, homework […]

Mega Grand Teton Ford/Stettner Ski Descent Photo TR

CLICK ALL PHOTOS FOR LARGER IMAGES It’s been two or three years since the last time I skied the Grand Teton and recently I have been jonesing to get back up there to check it out again. Chris Onufer joined me for this trip and we started walking on the dry trail from the Bradley/Taggart […]

Have a Grand Weekend!!!

Randosteve skis off the summit of the Grand Teton, May 14, 2010. More photos to come…have a great weekend!

Eastern Sierra AT: University Peak

I’m back in Jackson now, but with some more time off from my day job last week and cloudy, rainy days predicted here in the Tetons, I decided to head back to the Eastern Sierra with the Kitty. It was Kitty’s birthday, so I figured it would be a great way celebrate it by skiing […]

Back in the Sierra

Randosteve skins towards the north face of University Peak. Well, after a quick turn around in Jackson and a change of partners last week, Randokitty and I have been back in the Sierras for a few more days of great skiing, good company and protecting ourselves from the intense rays of the deathstar. Sorry I’ve […]

Some Pics From The Ripper Chute

Lines on the east side of the Dana Plateau. I’m back in Jackson for a few days before heading out on another skiing road trip. Here are a few pictures from skiing the Ripper Chute on Dana Plateau on a “rest day”. The Dana Plateau is a must-do for skiers looking to get into some […]

Eastern Sierra AT: Split Mountain

Randosteve skis the South Face of Split Mountain. Click all photos for larger images. My second day skiing on this 2010 Eastern Sierra ski trip involved an early start by Sierra standards and one of it’s 14K’ peaks. Our sights were set on Split Mountain (14,058′) and it’s south face today, and although it’s not […]

Eastern Sierra AT: Mount Thompson and Gilbert

Jon Morrison drops into the North Couloir of Mount Thompson. Click all photos for larger images. After a long and windy drive through the beautiful state of Nevada, Reed Finlay and I arrived in Bishop last week and have had three great days of skiing in the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains of California so far. […]

Skiing Wind River Peak…and Off to the Sierras

Randosteve skis Wind River Peak with the Cirque of the Towers in the background. Photo: Brian Ladd. Click most photos for larger images. I’m not sure how or when, but at some point in the past couple of years, Wind River Peak made it onto my skiing hit-list. At over 13K’, it is the highest […]

Back From The Winds

Randosteve admires the terrain above Deep Creek Lakes near Wind River Peak. Just got back from the Winds River Range last night. We cut our trip short by one day, and considering the deluge of thunderstorms we drove through on our way back to Jackson last night, I’m glad we did. The trip was great […]

Off to Ski in the Wind River Range

I’m off for another skiing adventure in the Wind River Range. I’ve never been to this area before and I’m anxious to see what kind of fun skiing terrain it may hold. The main objective is to ski the north side of the 13K’ peak located in the lower center of the map below, the […]

Video: Southeast Face of the Middle Teton

Click here to see some photographs from this descent.

LIVE…From Leigh Lake!!!

Picture taken at 2:30PM on 4/14/10 while crossing Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park. Hola! I’m skinning across Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park right now, on the way to spend a couple nights in Leigh Canyon. Conditions are pretty prime in the Tetons right now for ski touring and it will be […]

Photo TR: Southeast Face, Middle Teton

Note: This route isn’t in the guidebook and I wonder if it has been skied before. Click photos for larger images. I have been eyeing the Southeast Face on the Middle Teton for a few years now and after one busted solo attempt, I got out with telemarker Chris Onufer this weekend and scored pretty […]

Togwotee Pass Wilderness Snowmobile Poachers

I received a very irate phone call from a friend on Saturday afternoon, about some ignorant snowboarders who were using snowmobiles to access some powder on Togwotee Pass. Not really a big deal on it’s own really, but when you cross Wilderness (non-motorized) boundaries that are set aside for those that want peace and quite […]

Photo TR: Colter Canyon

CLICK ALL PHOTOS FOR LARGER IMAGE. A beautiful morning ski across Jackson Lake. Entering the fog on Jackson Lake. It’s always colder on the lake. Skiing into a side canyon and towards our objective.

Corbet's Couloir Delivers With 16" at JHMR

Randosteve slides into Corbet’s Couloir at JHMR. After well over four years of not riding a single ski lift to ski (at least for fun), I broke my streak and scored on a nice ski day at JHMR yesterday. The avalanche forecast reported 16” of new snow in the last 24 hours and considering I’ve […]

Skiing Mount Moran's Drizzlepus

Randosteve skis next to the West Horn while descending Drizzlepus on Mount Moran. Click all photos for larger image. Drizzlepus, a feature on the south-side of Mount Moran has been on my hit-list for a long time. It sits just west of the Falling Ice Glacier and the West Horn, and is a point that […]