Launching for Mount Aspiring

View of the Northwest Ridge of Mount Aspiring. The crux of the descent will be how icy the route is. Photo courtesy I’ve been hanging out here in Wanaka for a few days. There have been a few fine spells here and there, and we managed to get out for a skin up the […]

Pioneer Hut…Loo With a View

View of Mount Tasman from the outhouse of the Pioneer Hut. Click photo for larger image. Just a quick update from down here in New Zealand. I’m just out from the Pioneer Hut and laying over in the town of Fox, before heading further south for some weather days in Wanaka. As you can see […]

Time In…Up To Pioneer Hut

Pioneer Hut from Von Bulow. My finger is feeling a bit better and it looks like there is another high pressure system rolling in for a few days, so I’m catching a heli ride and heading back up into the mountains and the Pioneer Hut on Monday…New Zealand time. The Pioneer Hut sits in the […]

Delay Of Game

I’m dealing with a little adversity right now. I cut my finger badly on the first day in the mountains and after five days of skiing under sunny skies, my wound is still throbbing and bleeding. Therefore, I decided to fly out solo today to have it looked at, cleaned, bandaged and given a rest […]

See You When I See You…

After about 24 hrs of travel and four plane rides today, I will be in Christchurch, New Zealand…two days later. It’s a nineteen hour time difference between Jackson (MST) and Christchurch (NZDT), and my longest leg is from Los Angeles to Auckland…which looks to be about a 13 hour flight. OUCH! Hopefully a coupe sleep-aids […]

Spicy Avalanche Conditions Expected in New Zealand

It’s pretty hard to avoid there being high avalanche danger in New Zealand when it snows 13 feet in 10 days. Like with most trips, local or abroad, I’ve started to eyeball the conditions and weather forecasts for New Zealand.  (Launch day is tomorrow!) seems to be the best website for weather and […]

Aoraki/Mount Cook Ski Descent Video

The Linda Glacier ski descent route on Aoraki/Mount Cook follows the red line, but goes into the “Gun Barrels” (blue line) instead of the Summit Rocks section. Photo courtesy Alpinism and Ski. In honor of heading to New Zealand in a couple weeks, I figured I’d post this video of Bruce Grant skiing Aoraki/Mount Cook […]

Two Weeks To New Zealand

Yeah baby! I’m pretty psyched to say that I’m headed to New Zealand to ski for the entire month of October. Before I go any further, I’d like to specifically thank Black Diamond and Arc’teryx Equipment for helping me make this happen. Without their support, I wouldn’t be able to experience a lot of things […]

The Classics

Just some classic Teton pics from getting out early with my dad the past few days. Moulton Barn.

Some Baptiste Lake/Mount Hooker Photos

Just thought I’d share some pictures from the trip to Baptiste Lake and Mount Hooker in the Wind River Range last weekend. For those that don’t know, Baptiste Lake (10,828′) sits on the boarder of the Wind River Indian Reservation and the Popo Agie Wilderness, and is most easily accessed by the white man with […]

Mount Hooker-Boissonneault-Larson

I’m back from a nice relaxing and sunburn filled trip to the Winds, Baptiste Lake and Mount Hooker. Through the power of the internet and some sleuthing, I believe we watched Pat Goodman and Dave Sharratt climb (or at least attempt to climb) the Boissonnneault-Larson or Third Eye route (VI 5.10+ A4) on Mount Hooker.  […]

Off To The Winds…Again

I’m off to a new area for me in the Wind River Range today.  Though this peak has an easier 3rd class route to the top, it also has five wilderness Grade VI climbing routes on it.  The topo lines are perplexing for this peak when you look at in on a map.  Normally, one […]

Deep Lake and Haystack Peak

Temple Peak (one my ski hit-list) and Deep Lake in the Wind River Mountains. I’m back from a fun trip camping at Deep Lake and climbing Haystack Peak in the Wind River Mountains. Now it’s off to SLC for the Summer Outdoor Retailer for a couple of days. I’m not that hard of a rock […]

Titcomb Basin 2010: North Couloir, Ellingwood Peak

Randosteve skis the North Couloir of Ellingwood Peak in the Wind River Range. Click all photos for larger images. As we slept, a little bit of weather rolled in throughout the night, dropping graupel and rustling the mega-mid every so often, enough to warrant busting out the ear-plugs in order to get some good rest. […]

Titcomb Basin 2010: Bonney Pass and Sphinx Glacier

Brian Ladd skins towards Bonney Pass and Split-Tongued Peak in the Wind River Range. Click all photos for larger images. After skiing the South Couloir on Fremont Peak and returning to camp, we anticipated the arrival of our good friend Reed Finlay, who was coming to join us to attempt to ski Gannett Peak, the […]

Titcomb Basin 2010: Fremont Peak, South Couloir

Brian Ladd skis the South Couloir of Fremont Peak in the Wind River Mountains, Wy. Click all photos for larger images. We left camp for the South Couloir of Fremont Peak (13,745’…the third highest peak in Wyoming) as the sun hit the tent around 7:30am. It was a nice, cool morning and the snow had […]

Titcomb Basin 2010: The Trek In

Randosteve excited to be getting close to Fremont Peak. Click all photos for larger images. There had been lots of planning, work schedule changes, weather watching and rounding up of partners involved with putting this ski trip to the Wind River Range together. One would think that skiers would line up to ski the amazing […]

Back From Titcomb Basin in the Winds

Sunset over Titcomb Basin in the Wind River Range, Wyoming. Click photo for larger image. Well…I’m back from an amazing 5-day adventure skiing in the Wind River Range. The trip was full of arduous trekking, incredible vistas, intense sun and of course, some awesome skiing. We went 2 for 3 on this trip and succeeded […]

Off To The Wind River Range

How many couloirs do you see on this Wind River peak? Click photo for larger image. Finally, the weather forecast is looking good for more than just a few hours and today I am off to ski in the Wind River Range of Wyoming for five days. It may be a little soggy on the […]

Second Descent of the Aguille Blance de Peuterey

From what I’ve been hearing, conditions in the Alps this spring have been absolutely stellar for ski mountaineering to say the least, with rad lines being ticked off by some great skiers and snowboarders. Some have been first descents, while others have been repeats of lines that haven’t been skied in decades. On June 4th, […]