I thought this one looked the coolest
I am defiantly one of those people that feels naked without a watch and besides climbing, there is really only one other activity that I take it off for. 😉 Suunto is the largest manufacturer of precision instruments for all outdoor activities from diving, to skiing, to mountaineering, and over that past few years I have grown to love my Suunto X6 HR. I use its heartrate, altimeter, and chronographic functions anytime I am doing anything active.
Every year Suunto seems to push things a little further with innovation and this year they do the same with the introduction of the CORE line of ABC (altimeter, barometer, compass) watches. Some of the newest features include the addition of a daily sunrise/sunset feature to let you know when to wake up to make to the top by corn-o’clock, or make it back to the trailhead in daylight cuz you left your headlamp in the car.
In past Suunto models, the user would have to switch back and forth from the baro to alti function in order to get the most accurate reading of the weather and elevation, but the new CORE models automatically detect when you have stopped to take a rest and automatically switches to track the barometer, to let you know what’s happening above. The new CORE models also have a Storm Alarm which warns you when a storm is approaching. A rotating bezel also accompanies the new watches for true ‘old-school’ compass use as well. My SAR buddies would be psyched!
I’m an English only kinda guy, but if I’m traveling overseas, I know I will be able to share my information with everyone, cuz the CORE’s speak French, German, and Spanish as well. Though I know my data might be as strong as some of those euro fanatics, at least I’ll look cool cuz I think the new models look pretty trick too!

Nice looking watches. I had to give up on my Suunto though. I found that hockey puck on my wrist got in the way while climbing cracks, and I could never quite get the handle on all the features. When the band broke and the replacement didn’t fit right, I pulled the trigger on the ironman triathlon. Sooooo happy with that. It doesn’t have an altimeter, but carrying my dedicated altimeter is not a big deal, either.
I typically don’t wear mine when rock climbing that much, but for everything else I do. I find the navigation on my X6 to be very intuitive and can move around the features without even thinking. A little big on my skinny wrists, but it’s not the only thing that’s too big for my body. Referring to my ego of course! 😉
Ego? No.
huh…huh…so…big. must…get…big…watch
Big watch…big skis…big mountain…big MAN 😯